How male video game characters awakened my sexuality as a teen girl

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First of all, “a nice ass goes without saying.” And, amen to that. But also she writes that, more times than not, we’re generally not into the stereotypical, hyper-masculine action hero Mr. Universe type — like a McCree from Overwatch or Kratos from the original God of War trilogy. Those are the men that heterosexual guys think we want, but really they’re just power fantasies of their own creation.

They tend to be too off-puttingly aggressive for young girls (think Edward from Twilight), and too brutish for most grown women (think Edward from Twilight). And more importantly, Jensen asserts, it’s personality (read: their humanity) that counts most in writing a truly hot male protagonist.

That isn’t to say that said protagonist can’t be some variety of asshole (they almost always are in games). But to win us over, “he needs to show vulnerability, be redeemable, and improve over the course of the story.”

Look at the vast difference between Kratos in his original trilogy, versus his reimagined 2018 iteration. He checks all those boxes (to some extent), and is not only a more compelling and human character for it, but also an attractive partner instead of the abusive, psychopathic, pathetic dickbag of pulsating testosterone from the early aughts.

At the end of the day, the reality is that even now, games are still largely being made for and by the same target heterosexual male demographic that did not include me or my desires as a young girl — or the desires of many other identities for that matter.

I would love to live in a world where I could see more of myself, my gender, and all others who’ve felt themselves ignored by video games. And slowly but surely, we’re getting there, with trailblazing big-budget titles like Uncharted: Lost Legacy and Horizon Zero Dawn

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