In the good ol’ days, we forced politicians to do the Macarena

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As President Donald Trump’s election proved, it doesn’t take much to get elected anymore. In the ’90s, the bar was higher: politicians were at least forced to dance the Macarena.

You’ve probably seen gifs from the infamous ’96 Democratic National Convention, where Hillary Clinton was made to dance to the song. Friends, I’m pleased to report that the full video is incredible, and the trend runs so much deeper.

It’s proooobably worth mentioning that the song is about a girl named Macarena who cheats on her boyfriend with two friends while he’s being drafted into the military.

And this is the song we once witnessed Secretary of State Madeline Albright dance to at the United Nations:

To be honest, Secretary of State Colin Powell did a much better job in 1996:

That same year, Clinton at the DNC Convention gave Powell a run for his money.

Listen, dancing has never been Clinton’s strong suit, but look at all these Democratic party nerds going so so hard for the camera with no sense of rhythm or shame.

We never witnessed then-Vice President Al Gore do the traditional Macarena, but at the convention he did claim to invent something he called the “Al Gore version of the Macarena.” (3:13 in).

Pretty impressive, nerds. But when it came to dance trends, I think Russian President Boris Yeltsin destroyed us hard. 

I’ll never forget Yeltsin’s greatest moment — behind that whole “ending the Cold War” thing — where he danced on stage in 1996 (though not to “La Macarena.”)

If Trump wants to bring back anything from America’s “great past,” let “La Macarena” be it.

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