NCIS: What you need to know going into season 16

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NCIS returns for its 16th season Tuesday on CBS. Here are five things you should remember going into the premiere:

  1. In the season 15 finale, Sloane’s (Maria Bello) horrific past comes back to haunt her when she overhears a nearby man talking while she’s out on a blind date and believes him to be Masahun, the terrorist who held her captive in Afghanistan. He says he’s Nigel Hakim (Pej Vahdat), a Saudi Arabia-born man who now claims to be a humanitarian fundraiser with diplomatic immunity through the British embassy. After a violent, bottle-throwing meltdown, Sloane insists the cops call in Leon Vance (Rocky Carroll), who reminds her that Masahun was supposedly killed years ago in a drone strike. Sloane remains resolute.
  2. McGee (Sean Murray) and Kasie (Diona Reasonover) run security footage of Hakim through facial recognition and figure out he is not who he claims to be. During questioning, Hakim claims he was in Afghanistan raising money for refuge children at the time Sloane was being tortured. Sloane demands that he say one word — infidels — but he declines. She pulls him close and realizes he’s wearing the same cologne he did as Masahun. Infuriated, Sloane retreats to her office to angry paint her wall.
  3. Gibbs (Mark Harmon) walks in to offer help, and ends up hearing Sloane’s horrific backstory: Masahun held her squadron for nine months, and began torturing them after trying to extract information. Vance and his team ended up rescuing her as the lone survivor. “I’ve owed him ever since,” she said.
  4. After consulting a second source, Vance confirms that Hakim is Masahun and races to the airport to capture him before he takes a charter flight back to London. It turns out Masahun booked two getaway flights; while the team is surrounding one plane, Masahun is actually on the other — and he’s managed to kidnap Vance while no one else was looking!
  5. The premiere will pick up one month after Vance’s capture. Gibbs becomes the acting director in Vance’s absence — something he hates because of all the paperwork that comes with the job. He just wants to find Vance. Sloane feels like she’s the one who put Vance in danger, and the team is frustrated by the lack of leads — until they see video of Vance stealing money from a bank.

NCIS airs Tuesday at 8 p.m. on CBS.

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