9-1-1 recap: Our firefighters must fight to save one of their own

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While you may have gone on with your week — working, spending time with family, not being trapped in a hotel parking garage under debris that could kill you at any moment — our favorite first responders have been stuck in that hellscape the massive 7.1 earthquake created in Los Angeles.

“Help Is Not Coming” picks up right where “7.1” left off: Bobby and Chimney are searching for signs of Hen, who fell into the hotel parking garage while looking for a little girl named Kat; Buck and Eddie are hanging sideways several stories up inside the hotel, attempting to bring a young woman to safety (her gross boss is a sidewalk pancake); Athena is attempting to keep the citizens of Los Angeles from losing their damn minds; and Maddie is still having the most traumatizing first day a 9-1-1 dispatcher could probably have. So yeah, everyone is doing great, mom.

To be fair, Maddie could be much more panicked than she is and everyone would understand. In addition to being very green, she can’t get any information on the whereabouts of her brother. Lesser dispatchers would crumble! Instead, she remains cool and calm while taking a call from a distressed man whose pregnant wife is both in labor and unconscious. A very bad situation! Maddie goes into nurse mode and talks him through a few steps before realizing that if it is going to take an ambulance over an hour to get to their location due to the aftermath of the earthquake, she should bring the victims to an ambulance. She has the husband drive his wife to a nearby fire and the E.M.T.s there help them out. Maddie is going to fit in just fine around here.

At least she’s dealing with real emergencies — poor Athena is saddled with a nuisance call. We know Athena is a woman of the people — remember when she freed that entire plane being held on board for hours by an airport cop? — so the outcome of her call to a local grocery store claiming to be overrun with looters, when in fact it is the owner causing problems, is pretty much a given. The owner is price gouging his customers — $100 for a case of water? I don’t think so — and when they refuse to pay, he kicks them out and keeps them out with a loaded gun. NOT TODAY, SIR. Athena gives him a lesson in the laws regarding price gouging during a state of emergency and makes him hold a special 50 percent off sale at the store for the rest of the evening. He obviously didn’t realize who would be called in when he dialed 9-1-1.

Back at the hotel, Buck, Eddie, and Allie (the victim) are slowly making their way down a dodgy stairwell to get back outside. The 16 aftershocks (and counting!) have made this rescue extremely difficult — and that’s not changing any time soon. They discover the stairwell is blocked. They need to climb back up and figure out a new plan.

While making their way to a different side of the hotel, the merry band of three comes across another injured person. This man has a spinal injury, so they tie him up real good to an ironing board, and decide the best way for all four of them to get out of the building is to repel down the elevator shaft. Don’t you love this show?

Obviously, this is T.V., so you immediately know that when Buck and Eddie say that everything will be fine and that the elevator hanging multiple floors above their heads will stay there, they mean that nothing will be fine and that elevator is definitely going to come careening down that shaft. When another aftershock hits, that is exactly what happens! Thankfully, everyone makes it out of the elevator shaft and onto a nice, safe floor before there is any elevator smushing. That’s a technical term, don’t look it up.

Thank goodness Buck and Eddie make it down to the ground because Bobby and Chimney are still looking for a way to get to Hen — they could use some help.

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