The opening scene of this episode really caught me off-guard. We see the Pierce family doting on Jennifer as she gets ready for a school dance with a date we’ve never seen before. Then suddenly Khalil walks in and starts messing around with everyone. It was about here that I realized we were actually watching a dream sequence of some kind, and sure enough, just as Jennifer blasts her ex-boyfriend with her powers in a way we’ve never seen before, we cut to her and Perenna in the mental white room. It’s just a training session for Jennifer to try to control her powers, and also her feelings. Having gotten her pulse up with that fantasy scenario, Perenna asks Jennifer to concentrate her golden lightning into a box. But when she tries, she’s flooded with images of her relationship with Khalil back in the pre-injury, pre-painkiller days, and she loses control. Her feelings for Khalil are anything but settled. As we see by the end of the episode, the more her parents confuse her and anger her with their actions, the more Jennifer might end up drifting back to Khalil. That probably won’t end well.
As we saw at the end of last week’s episode, Tobias Whale is now in the custody of the Freeland PD…but apparently, it was all part of his plan. Since Tobias stole the evidence regarding Alvin Pierce’s murder (via the crooked detective he then murdered) and also killed his accomplice in the crime, Henderson doesn’t have enough proof to charge him. It really, truly boggles my mind that Tobias can’t be connected to any other single crime over the years, but I guess Alvin is the focus, if only for character and story reasons. As in, when Henderson summons Jefferson Pierce into his office to give him the bad news, it truly unsettles Jefferson to be so close and yet so far from bringing his father’s killer to justice.
That’s not the only thing frustrating Jefferson these days. The Pierce patriarch flies into a rage after Gambi informs him about Anissa stealing the criminals’ money to help the church clinic. Jefferson brings up the very real danger that this will bring to the clinic if the criminals want their money back, and tries to enforce his fatherly control over Anissa. She lashes back. If his ultimatum is “you live under my roof, you follow my rules,” then she’s not going to live under his roof anymore. Not when she can just crash at Gambi’s!
Jefferson’s true rage, though, is reserved for our new friend Principal Lowry. While sitting in his classroom, Jefferson hears a fight break out in the Garfield hallway. He rushes out to get between the two bickering students and quickly calms them down. After reciting a Coretta Scott King quote and getting them to look each other in the eyes and shake hands, he seems to have defused the situation. But that’s when Lowry shows up, having heard about a fight. Lowry says Garfield now has a zero-tolerance policy for fighting; as a result, the boy who threw the first punch is expelled, and the other is suspended for a week.
NEXT: Tobias innocent?
from Viral Trendy Update