Congressman roasted for his boring choice of Halloween treats

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Always beware of trying to be a little too cute with handing out treats on Halloween because, in a time of political division, there’s a line between political statement and just giving candy to kids. 

South Carolina congressman Mark Sanford is being roasted across the internet on Wednesday after he shared an image of what he says he’ll be handing out to trick-or-treaters. 

That’s right — pocket constitutions. 

This is, without a doubt, the most boring “treat” to be handed out since I had a neighbor that handed out Chick Tracts to the kids on my street. And the internet conducted a digital drive-by egging on Sanford for such Halloween tickery.

If Sanford’s name rings a bell to some, it’s because in 2009, when he was the governor of South Carolina, he literally disappeared for several days. No one, not even his wife, could locate him. Though he claimed to be hiking the Appalachian Trail, it turns out he was really having an affair in Argentina. 

And if you’re wondering if that came up in some of the responses, let me tell you, reader, it did.

Sanford, who lost his re-election bid in a primary earlier this year, is on his way out of Congress, but not before latching on to President Trump’s horribly racist attempt to undo the 14th Amendment, thus doing away with birthright citizenship. This, too, came up.

It’s safe to say Sanford’s Halloween was going downhill before the sun went down. He’ll probably have plenty of time to mull over next year’s Halloween hand-out in the coming days as he cleans up the mess of eggs and toilet paper from his front lawn. 

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