Record-setting Mega Millions jackpot brings out the social media salt

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The Mega Millions lottery jackpot is at a record-high right now, and people are coping with their slim chances of winning by making jokes. 

Nobody claimed the winning numbers on Friday night, so the Mega Millions jackpot is now the largest lottery prize in U.S. history. Clocking in at a whopping $1.6 billion, players have a chance of bringing home a lump sum of $905 million (or a veritable lifetime of ever-increasing annual payments). 

If you win, you’re basically an instant billionaire with the equivalent of the GDP of a small nation. 

Twitter users are already trying to get cozy with the potential winner. 

Some daydreamed about what they would spend the winnings on

Others took a more pessimistic view of the lottery

Most people were just salty about the whole situation

The chances may be extremely slim, but you still have a shot at winning: The next drawing for America’s next billionaire is Tuesday. 

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