Megyn Kelly may be headed OUT of her 9AM timeslot on NBC! Rob Smith (@robsmithonline) has all the details.

Megyn Kelly is catching heat on social media once again.

This time, for comments she made during “Megyn Kelly Today” Tuesday about dressing up in blackface for Halloween.

During a panel discussion, Kelly wondered “But what is racist?” when it comes to costumes choices for the October holiday.

“Because you do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface on Halloween, or a black person that puts on whiteface for Halloween,” she said. “And back when I was a kid, that was OK, as long as you were dressing up as, like, a character.”

Kelly then mused about a recent blackface controversy to expand on her stance.

“There was a controversy on ‘The Real Housewives of New York’ with Luann (de Lesseps). She dressed as Diana Ross, and she made her skin look darker than it really is. And people said that that was racist. And I don’t know!” she explained. “I thought like, who doesn’t love Diana Ross? She wants to look like Diana Ross for one day, and I don’t know how that got racist on Halloween.”

Her comments were rejected by the group at the “Today” table and plenty of people on social media reacted similarly:

Actor Patton Oswalt took to Twitter to disagree with Kelly, saying blackface was “NOT okay” when they were kids, which she claimed.

“Dear @megynkelly – you and I are approximately the same age. Blackface was NOT okay when we were kids,” he tweeted. Take it from a big-hearted boy who just wanted to show his love for Nipsey Russell on the worst Halloween of my life.”

Stand-up comic W. Kamau Bell also called out Kelly on Twitter.

“.@megynkelly – ‘I don’t get why Black face is so offensive?,” he tweeted. “Also @megynkelly – ‘KIDS, NEVER FORGET SANTA CLAUS IS WHITE!!!'”

“Megyn Kelly is proof that being  book smart doesn’t prevent you from being an ignorant moron!” on Twitter user wrote.

“When Megyn Kelly reminds you why she was so popular on Fox News…” another wrote.

“@megynkelly is really out here discussing what the ‘big deal about blackface is……OPEN A HISTORY BOOK! Why aren’t there black people on this discussion?” another tweeted.

“Megyn Kelly not understanding anything about racism? Ya don’t say…” another tweeted.

“Can someone please explain to me why Megyn Kelly still has a job?” another tweeted.

Some also pointed out the the lack of diversity on the panel.

“You have an all white panel to discuss why it is/isnt offensive for white ppl to wear a black face .. Hmmm,” one person tweeted.

“That panel sounds about white,” another tweeted.

“a panel of four white people is the seventh circle of Hell,” another said.

More: Megyn Kelly says she regrets awkward Jane Fonda interview: ‘That didn’t go well!’

More: ‘I know too much that others don’t know’: Megyn Kelly hints there’s more to Matt Lauer saga


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