Watch this joyous pup jump into a gigantic leaf pile

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Stella the bouncy, joyful Labrador from Maine is known for her love of fall foliage — more specifically, jumping into big ol’ piles of leaves. 

Since 2014, Stella’s owners have been uploading videos of her gleefully jumping into enormous leaf piles, and this year is no different.

In the video shared on Stella’s Instagram she can be seen being let out of a car and shooting straight into her autumnal, leafy abyss. It is lovely and it will make you forget your woes.

And, if you’re interested in seeing more of Stella’s interactions with leaves, just take a look at her Instagram — it’s chock full of them! 

Here she is in November of last year, soaking up all the good leaf action:

And here she is more recently, presiding over her massive piles of leaves.

Here’s to another year of Stella’s leaf diving! 

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