9-1-1 recap: A ghost of Christmas Past swings by to ruin the holidays

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It seems like after two seasons, 9-1-1 has carved out Halloween as its highly-anticipated holiday episode and that makes sense what with people crawling out of graves and such. But after “Merry Ex-Mas,” I think the show should really embrace Christmas as its holiday. You’ll probably laugh, you’ll definitely cry, and you will scream into the abyss once you realize that yes, the ghost of Christmas Past is in Los Angeles and no one wants to see him — especially not Maddie.

But let’s talk about the fun stuff first. Of course, there are some excellent holiday-themed rescues: A neighborly Christmas light fight ends with one man being thrown from his roof after inflating a giant snowman too quickly (don’t worry, the inflatable baby Jesus below breaks his fall); one man at a packaging plant gets inadvertently knocked into a box that gets packed and shipped off to Milwaukee until Maddie helps lead the team to a cargo plane and they cut him out of the box; a Marine trying to surprise his daughter at her Christmas concert is on a bus that gets slammed by a truck, he ends up unscathed and the firefighters get him on their truck and rush him to the concert where he reunites with his daughter while she sings “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” — both Buck and I sob; and yes, of course, a “Mistletoe Drone” at a restaurant ends up taking a waitress’s nose off. Because why not?

You guys, holiday rescues are both exhausting and adorable! Rescues aside, a lot goes down with our regulars.

Eddie and his estranged wife are most definitely not estranged anymore, by which of course I mean, they are having a ton of sex. Yet still, with as much fun as they’re having, Eddie isn’t ready to let Christopher know that his mom is back in town. When Christopher gets home early and Eddie and his wife are still in bed, Eddie makes her sneak out the side. That does not sit well with Shannon. She confronts Eddie at the firehouse (one place where they can’t end up in bed together…that feels like a challenge, doesn’t it?). She knows that he has the power in this situation since she’s the one who left, but he needs to figure out what he wants.

Poor Eddie, you Sad Hunk (they’re the best hunks, aren’t they?). He is battling with the idea of trusting Shannon again and it takes a little Christmas magic to help him see clearly. He admits to Buck that Shannon wasn’t the only one who ran away from this family. When Christopher was diagnosed, Eddie decided to re-enlist. He said it was about patriotism and duty, but really it was about getting out of his home situation. That confession, along with seeing the military family reunited at the Christmas concert, has Eddie rethinking things. What pushes him over the edge though is when Christopher tells him that he asked Santa Claus to find his mom. You think this kid can’t be any cuter and then he does something like this.

Christopher wakes up on Christmas morning and follows an arrow made out of wrapping paper on the floor directing him outside to a giant Christmas tree (he always wants trees too big to fit inside the house) and yes, his mom is there. The Diaz family reunites and the Grinch’s heart grew three sizes.

BUT YOU GUYS: They are not the only family coming together on Christmas. Okay, so the FOX promo department kind of blew the big surprise but it is exciting nonetheless: Um, Bobby and Athena are engaged!

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