A Million Little Things recap: Get on board for some metaphorical dreams

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Well, folks, it feels like a million little years since the last episode of A Million Little Things, so let’s pause to read the recaps of the last episode and get back up to speed… Ah, yes! Maggie and Gary (or as I affectionately know them, Gaggie) played a game of dares that culminated in Gary daring Maggie to get treatment for her cancer and she was not pleased; we were introduced to Katherine’s super attractive co-worker Hunter; Gina tried to come to terms with the revelation that Rome was suicidal; and Eddie, well, he probably did something annoying and spouted a cliché or six. Okay, we’re all caught up! Let’s jump into episode 8, “Fight or Flight.”

We start things off in the cockpit of a small plane? Don’t worry, I was confused too. Maggie and some young guy named Chad are trying to fly a plane, though it’s somewhat hindered by the fact that Chad, who happens to be the pilot(!!), is swigging from a bottle of booze. They argue back and forth, and Maggie starts freaking out, realizing the plane is going down and he’s not doing much to stop it. He talks about leaving, something she doesn’t want him to do and then he aims the plane toward the ground as she begs him to pull up. Maggie wakes up panicked in bed.

In the non-dream realm, Gary and Eddie go to look at an apartment that Eddie and Theo can move into. He loves the place, but is hesitant when the broker tells him he has to sign an one-year lease. Gary doesn’t really care either way; he’s distracted swiping through women on a dating app. Eddie decides not to take the apartment right now because he doesn’t want to commit, but pretends it’s about the previous owner’s cats and his allergies.

Over at the restaurant, Gina and Delilah are setting up for a small opening/tasting party. Ashley pops up to mention there are still problems with the loan, because, honestly, that seems to be her sole purpose in the show right now. The group talk about Gaggie’s breakup; they all believe it was Gary’s fault, citing his man-child tendencies. Pretty sure they’re all going to know the truth by episode’s end! Eddie also believes Gary has been an idiot and somehow lost Maggie and tries to advise him to get her back. Gary’s all, dude, you don’t know the whole story. The guys get into a fight over it, with Gary telling Ed to get off his back and not be so fast to assume it’s his fault. Well said, Gar!

Still, Gary can’t quit Maggie. He goes to her door and apologizes (for the dare to get chemo) through it when she doesn’t answer. She listens but doesn’t open up. Gary’s even “willing to accept a flesh-colored thumbs up emoji” as response to one of his many texts, just to know she’s okay. He tells her he can’t not care and that he tried to be okay with the no treatment plan. Still, Maggie doesn’t open up. Later, she cancels her non-therapy, therapy session with Rome and tells him she can’t meet with him anymore. He thinks it’s because of the breakup and she assures him it has nothing to do with Gary. Rome gets mad, but she won’t give him the real reason why she’s canceling.

At Katherine’s office, it’s clear to everyone that Hunter is the perfect man when he suggests getting cheese fries for lunch. He asks Katherine out, but she mentions Eddie and tells him she’s not ready yet. He’s perfect, so he’s understanding. Did I mention that he’s perfect? Soon, Eddie shows his ex-wife photos of the apartment he’s looking at. Understandably, she’s not really that interested. He tells her that he’s trying not to make any more mistakes with her and wants to know where they are before he signs a lease. Thinking Gary has mentioned that he saw her getting noodles with Hunter and Eddie is now fishing for information, Katherine starts to explain that it’s just professional between them. For once Eddie says the right thing, telling her she doesn’t have to explain. Hell yeah she doesn’t!! He tells her he’d be happy for her even if it was more than professional with Hunter. I think we’d all like to be more than professional with Hunter. (Recap continues on page 2.)

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