All the times, deadlines, and rules you need to know before voting in the 2018 midterm elections

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Currently, 25 states allow voters, most of whom are military service members protected under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (OUCAVA) to send in their absentee ballots electronically via email or a state-run online portal.

West Virginia is currently testing out a blockchain-based mobile app through which service members can submit their ballots after authenticating their identity with a fingerprint or facial recognition.

While electronic voting can be much easier and more reliable than mail for military service members in remote areas without consistent access to postal services, it also comes with cybersecurity risks.

Experts warned in an October 2018 report that voting online opens up voters, election officials, and their devices to systemic malware attacks, privacy breaches, and “denial of service” attacks that can disable an entire town’s election systems.

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