Can Israel’s PM Netanyahu save his right-wing coalition?

Israel‘s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has narrowly averted a possible collapse of his coalition government.

Education Minister Naftali Bennett threatened to pull his party from Netanyahu’s coalition over a ceasefire in Gaza.

But on Monday, Bennett announced he and his party will stay on and give Netanyahu “one more chance”.

If Bennett had resigned, Netanyahu would have been left with a minority government, making snap elections likely.

This all began when Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman resigned last week, angered by a ceasefire agreement with armed groups in Gaza that he called “capitulating to terror”.

So, will Netanyahu’s coalition survive this crisis?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra


Yoni Ben-Menachem – Senior Middle East analyst at Jerusalem Center

Dahlia Scheindlin – Columnist at 972 Magazine 

Gil Hoffman – Chief political correspondent for the Jerusalem Post

Source: Al Jazeera News

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