Canadian football player celebrates touchdown with an epic beer chug

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While the NFL has recently relaxed its stance on touchdown celebrations, leading to some terrific antics, the Canadian Football League still found a way to one-up its U.S. counterpart thanks to an Ottawa Redblacks player.

On Friday night, after scoring a touchdown to increase Ottawa’s lead over Toronto, Red Blacks lineman Jon Gott ran for some the stands and grabbed a beer, handed to him by his girlfriend, for one heck of a Stone Cold Steve Austin-esque celebration.

Tremendous. Take that, Lambeau Leap.

In an interview after the game (Ottawa won 24-9), Gott said he’d been thinking about doing something like this for years before adding, as a joke aimed at any league officials who may decide to fine him for the celebration, that it was just water. 

Fans on Twitter were quick to react, showering approval on Gott’s unique jubilation display.

Reports Saturday afternoon were that he would not be fined by the CFL which is a good call.

Of course, if an NFL player ever did this during a game, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell’s head would explode, Donald Trump would tweet about it, and the country would spend weeks consumed in a flame war about what constitutes “sportsmanship” and appropriate public behavior. 

May the light shine forever on Jon Gott’s fortune and may every beer he has be crisp and cold. 

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