Did Donald Trump just pretend that he doesn’t know Lil Jon? ‘Yeah!’

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Despite his claims to the contrary, does President Trump know Lil Jon? Well, in the words of the unforgettable rapper, “Yeahhhhh!!”

During a contentious Wednesday press conference, a reporter confronted the president about alleged racist behavior, including previously calling the rapper Lil Jon an “Uncle Tom.” Trump’s response? “I don’t know who Lil Jon is, I really don’t.”

Is it possible that Trump doesn’t know the Grammy winner behind such memorable tracks as “Turn Down for What” and “Yeah!”? I guess it’s possible that the president isn’t one of the two million-plus people who bought the 2004 album Crunk Juice. But, is it possible that Trump doesn’t know the two-time Celebrity Apprentice contestant, who he has referred to as a “terrific guy” and “great friend”? Eh, probably less likely.

When confronted with the Apprentice info, Trump replied, “Oh, he was? Oh, I see.” He then continued to deny ever using racist language, declaring, “I don’t use racist remarks and if I did, you would have known about it.”

Back in October 2016, a month before Trump was elected president, the Daily Beast published a report alleging he called Lil Jon an “Uncle Tom” when he saw him dressed as Uncle Sam as part of a segment on The Celebrity Apprentice. The rapper confirmed the incident on Twitter.

“When this ‘Uncle Tom’ incident happened on Celebrity Apprentice in the boardroom several of my cast mates and I addressed Mr. Trump immediately when we heard the comment,” he wrote. “I can’t say if he knew what he was actually saying or not but he did stop using that term once we explained it’s [sic] offensiveness.”

Watch the clip of Trump and decide if he should follow Lil Jon’s instructions and “back, back, back it up.”

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