You might not realize it these days, but apparently there are things that are considered unpresidential of a commander in chief and the First Lady. Michelle Obama, however, isn’t the First Lady anymore. While on Jimmy Kimmel Live, the late-night host gave her a stack of cards so she can finally say things she couldn’t say while in the White House.
“I’ve never eaten a vegetable,” Obama read, even though we know that’s not true of the First Lady who launched the Let’s Move! health campaign.
Obama said so many other un-First-Ladylike things, such as, “The whole 8 years we were in the White House, we used Laura Bush’s Netflix password.” The only one that seems to hold any truth is, “I’m not sure which one’s Sasha and which one’s Malia.”
“They agree,” she said of her kids. “They get so mad every time I mess their names up. I’m like, ‘Who are you?’ The game that Sasha plays with me is that, when we’re with a lot of people, she’ll call me, ‘Mom. Mom. Mom.’ I don’t hear her and she’s like, ‘Michelle. Michelle Obama.’”
Jimmy Kimmel capped off the segment with something many of us can relate to: he gave Obama a card that read, “Clooney is my freebie.” Accurate.
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