I’ve liked every episode of this show, but this week’s might be my favorite so far. As we get further and further into this world, the characters only become more complex, more interesting. And it never hurts to finally have a monster that can talk and therefore provide some answers.
That monster is none other than a dryad. (Think tree nymph but slightly different.) Dorian captures her and calls Ric, who’s busy announcing the formation of an honor council. Each faction at the school — vampire, witch, and werewolf — will elect a representative for the council, which will allow the students to have a voice in the school’s decisions. Emma will automatically serve on the council as the representative for the younger kids.
Before Ric heads out to help Dorian, Rafael convinces him to let the soon-to-be-formed honor council decide if Landon will get to stay. Speaking of Landon, Ric has tasked Hope with testing him to see whether he’s supernatural. Because if Landon can convince Hope that he belongs, well, he belongs. At least that’s Ric’s thinking, and Hope is NOT happy about it.
First, let’s follow Ric on his journey to meed the dryad. It seems dryads are the living spirit of a tree. More importantly, they’re gentle creatures that once lived among humans. The dryad tells Ric and Dorian that if they bring her the man she loved, Oliver, she will talk to them.
With Dorian off to find this Oliver, Ric learns that dryads don’t lie. The dryad tells Ric about how she met and fell in love with Oliver, and how Oliver became a vampire so that they could be together forever. But the dryad was attacked the night she and Oliver were supposed to run off together. Another fun fact? Dryads are psychic, and she can sense that Ric has lost loved ones too. (If only she knew, amirite?!) Ric mentions Jo just before Dorian enters with Oliver. (Did he say Bonnie helped him with the spell?!) The bad news is that Oliver doesn’t remember the dryad.
When Oliver reveals that he’s a married man now, the dryad lies and tells him she thought he was someone else. Once he’s gone, she agrees to tell Ric everything she knows. She goes back to the night she was attacked. She says she awoke in darkness. She could feel others there but couldn’t see them. And when she woke up, she wasn’t far from Mystic Falls and she had an urge to possess the knife. She’s not sure why, but she knows she must have it. Something is telling her to take the knife to a dark pit beneath the earth. Just then, she tries to take the knife, and to stop her, Dorian puts an arrow in her chest.
As she dies, Dorian fulfills her wish to be taken to the clearing she considers home. There, she remembers one last thing: A blackbird called Malivore. Then, she dies, and in death, she becomes a beautiful tree. Talk about a lovely monster story. (Next: Landon’s fate is sealed)
from Viral Trendy Update https://ift.tt/2RoiycR