Superhero Insider: Supergirl, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow deliver major reveals

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Each week, we break down the biggest moments from Supergirl, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Black Lightning, and Arrow — both here on and on SiriusXM’s EW Live every Friday during Superhero Insider.

This week, The Flash and Black Lightning took a break from airing new episodes to allow for midterm election coverage, but the rest of the Arrowverse gave us plenty to talk about. From major developments in Arrow’s flash-forwards to the pseudo-return of a beloved character in Legends, here are the highlights from another week of super-showdowns:


What do you do when your star can’t be on set for a short spell? Put her in a suit and Daft Punk-esque helmet, of course! Our titular heroine may have been trapped in a suit to keep her from inhaling the kryptonite released into the atmosphere, but the latest hour of Supergirl didn’t miss her at all: Instead, it wisely turned its attention on the imposing, morally gray Manchester Black (David Ajala, clearly relishing the role), delivering two powerhouse scenes featuring the new arrival — one opposite J’onn, another opposite Fiona. Alex also got to take center stage, drama’s once again brewing with James’ Guardian alter ego, and both Graves got offed. (Or did they…?) The episode may have been a tad overstuffed in retrospect, but Manchester Black is a welcome addition to the ensemble. I’m just sad that our gain also meant the loss of Tiya Sircar as Fiona. (Come on, The Good Place, bring Vicky back!)

Related: Read our recap here.


Arrow also put its title character in the backseat, but not because Stephen Amell is Broadway-bound. See, Oliver remains imprisoned, and he’s doing even worse than before, now that a Level Two therapist — a.k.a. Wannabe Hugo Strange, as EW’s Chancellor Agard calls him — is forcing him to talk about trauma and feelings and memories and (sigh) everything that’s supposed to presumably make him reassess his vigilante identity. Most of the action, therefore, involves the flash-forwards, which served up several major revelations this week: Roy and William find vigilante Dinah (with gray in her hair), meet adult Zoe (also a vigilante), and learn that Felicity is dead. (Or is she…?) These are all tantalizing developments, but I’m frustrated all the same: If the future Arrow is working toward is so bleak, why are we spending so much time in a present that’s bound to lead to failure? Or could it be that these flash-forwards are… [Oliver’s opening monologue voice] something else?

Related: Read our recap here, and watch an exclusive clip of Echo Kellum’s Curtis Holt going undercover in next week’s episode.

Legends of Tomorrow

Welcome to London in the ’70s! Legends’ resident boy scout Ray ends up taking the lead in capturing this week’s myth-tery, a shapeshifter named Charlie who leads a punk rock band and likes pulling off pranks. (She’s so cool.) Haircut kidnaps a corgi, gets a tattoo (not a tramp stamp, unfortunately), and ends up bonding enough with Charlie (Anjli Mohindra) to stop the team from sending her to hell. Sure, it leads Charlie to be trapped in the form of Amaya (hello again, Maisie Richardson-Sellers), but it’s all strong material. Less strong material came in the form of this week’s B-plot, a convoluted — yes, even for Legends — tale of Nate being bored of bureaucracy and Gary trying his hardest to be his office best friend. Look: I love Gary, you love Gary, everyone and their mother loves Gary, but Gary must be deployed in small, even doses. And as for Nate, it’s time to dive deeper into his dynamic with Ava, in my opinion; we saw glimmers of it earlier this season, and it’d be nice to have him explore his feelings about Amaya with the woman who’s in the most stable of romantic relationships on the show so far.

Related: Read our recap here, and celebrate the team’s trip to ’70s punk London in this week’s episode by rocking out with the cast in their music video for the Clash’s “Should I Stay or Should I Go.”

Listen to Superhero Insider

Click below to listen to this week’s Superhero Insider, which airs every Friday at 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET on SiriusXM’s Ch. 105, hosted by Kyle Anderson, Chancellor Agard, and Shirley Li.

Supergirl airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET; Arrow airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET, followed by Legends of Tomorrow at 9 p.m. ET; and The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET, followed by Black Lightning at 9 p.m. ET. on the CW.

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