The Flash recap: Caitlin’s chilly family reunion reveals Killer Frost’s origins

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The one thing I love about The CW shows is that, for the most part, you really can’t trust parents. Most of the time they’re the bad guys or come very close to being them. The Flash, however, has mostly avoided that trend during its run. Well, at least it did up until tonight’s episode. As the title suggests, “The Icicle Cometh” introduced Caitlin’s father and SPOILER ALERT, he’s objectively the worst.

Last week, Caitlin decided she wanted to take a beat before continuing her search for her father, Dr. Thomas Snow (Veronica Mars’ Kyle Secor); however, when Barry and Cisco reveal that they used S.T.A.R. Labs’ new satellite hook-up to find him, she immediately jumps on the opportunity to be reunited with him, which feels very real (even though how much she missed her dad only became a thing toward the end of last season/this season). So while Iris, Nora, Sherloque, Ralph, and Cecile continue to investigate Cicada, Caitlin, Cisco, and Barry — a.k.a. Original Team Flash, a.k.a. OTF? (Oh god, I don’t want to start The Flash’s version of Arrow season 6 with that joke) — throw on some heavy coats, open a breach, and head up north to Thomas’s location.

Something about Caitlin’s reunion with her father left me pretty cold (pun very much intended). Part of it was probably because I spent the entire episode waiting for the other shoe to drop, which was a direct result of Cisco being incredibly suspicious of Thomas from the moment he meets him. Thomas reveals that he decided to quarantine himself in the Tannhauser black site after the cryotherapy he used to cure his ALS had unintended side effects. What were those side effects? Well, he developed a cryo-malignancy that’s threatening to crystallize his skin and overwrite his DNA, and that acts up whenever his emotions spike. Hm, who does that sounds like?

If your answer was Caitlin, then you’re correct. It turns out — and this isn’t surprising in the slightest given what we saw last week — Thomas discovered that Caitlin had the genetic markers for ALS and gave her the same cure, which created the Killer Frost persona. Thomas claims that he didn’t develop another personality, which must be why he’s suffering from this disease. Even though Thomas treated her as a lab experiment, Caitlin’s still willing to help him and decides to make a serum from her blood that should stop the cryo-disease. The one problem is that the only way it would work is if they lower Thomas’ body to absolute zero, which would require them to break into the DoD, because of course it would!

Barry, who’s letting his recent experience with Nora cloud his judgment, is all for helping them cure Thomas, but Cisco thinks something fishy is going on. While Caitlin and Barry get to work on the plan, he makes a return trip to the North Pole, has several painful vibes in Thomas’ lab, and discovers skin-grafts, which clue him into the fact that Thomas may not be who he says he is. He brings the evidence back to Central City, but Thomas says that he was simply using the grafts to cover up the parts of his body that have turned to ice. Caitlin, who has been missing her father for so long, believes his story and turns on Cisco. The show just introduced how much of a void Caitlin has felt in her life without her father, so I’m not 100 percent convinced that she would treat Cisco like this, but I’ll allow it because Danielle Panabaker sells the material.

Next: The Icicle Departeth

After the success of Arrow, Barry Allen (a.k.a. The Flash) gets his own CW treatment in this comic-themed spin-off.

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