This kid took some angry school pictures after his Pop-Tart was eaten

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Some kids really know how to hold a grudge.

Allow us to introduce you to one such child. His father has the nerve to eat his Pop-Tart, so this hardcore kid carried his beef all the way to school picture day — and the results are stunning.

“Y’all pray for my son, nothing wrong with him but I ate his pop tart before his class picture and he said he never smiling again,” EL Prive said on Facebook, sharing photos of his son.

In each photo, this little guy sports a scowl previously only seen on middle-aged men irritated by abnormally high gas prices or thermostats that have been tampered with. Naturally, these works of art have caught a lot of people’s attention.

People just can’t get over this little kid’s intensity and his love of Pop-Tarts. 

“I feel him though I would be mad if someone ate my last one too,” wrote one commenter. 

“Why does he look like a disapproving father though?” asked another.

Hopefully, one day this little guy will overcome this great deception and be able to smile again. At the very least, someone should give him some more Pop-Tarts. db98 9ccc%2fthumb%2f00001

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