This turkey optical illusion will make your head spin

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This Thanksgiving how-to might give you a headache.

Redditor u/Dently stumbled across the mindblowing video uploaded in 2015 and posted it to r/videos. 

“Found this freaky optical illusion while watching a cooking video,” they wrote. “Stare at the center of the brine until the scene changes.”

If you look into the swirling brine before the next shot, you’ll see the turkey’s skin start to spin too. It’s wild. 

Other Redditors found it just as trippy. 

Some were just grateful that OP didn’t post a jump scare.

Also known as the waterfall illusion, the motion aftereffect causes your brain to see movement when there isn’t any. When you look at a moving object for a while, and then look at a stationary object, your brain will show you a moving one instead. Researchers theorize that it happens because your neurons get fatigued and more sensitive to detecting that specific movement.

Hopefully you won’t get stuck seeing spinning turkey — the end result of that cooking tutorial actually looks pretty good.

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