Lois Lane has finally arrived in the Arrowverse.
In this year’s three-night crossover, “Elseworlds,” Grimm’s Bitsie Tulloch will make her Arrowverse debut as the iconic Daily Planet reporter. When we first meet her in The Flash hour, she’s hanging out on the Kent farm with Kara/Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) and Clark Kent/Superman (Tyler Hoechlin). Eventually, Barry Allen/the Flash (Grant Gustin) and Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (Stephen Amell) pop over to Smallville on Earth-38 because they need Kara’s help after switching lives, and Lois is there to see the highly anticipated first meeting between Superman, the Flash, and Green Arrow.
“It was mostly just kind of funny because Lois doesn’t know them,” Tulloch tells EW about the first time Lois meets the Flash and Green Arrow. “She’s just kind of confused. She’s like, ‘Wait, you’re saying you’re this person, and you’re saying you’re that person? You’re saying you don’t normally look like this?’ So her reaction is different from Clark and Kara’s.”
She continues: “There’s definitely a funny moment that the three of us — Clark, Kara, and Lois — are watching with the two boys sort of having an altercation, of course, because what they’re going through is weird for them. It was really fun. One thing I’ve been emphasizing in all my interviews is just how much fun I had filming, how much fun we all seemed to be having working together. The crossovers are awesome. It was just a really enjoyable experience.”
From there, you can expect her to play an important role in the event’s epic conclusion on Supergirl, which airs Tuesday on a special night.
Ahead of “Elseworlds,” EW hopped on the phone with Tulloch to chat about how watching Margot Kidder’s Superman screen test helped her, how she got along with Hoechlin, and more. Check it out below:
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Looking at social media, it seems like you really enjoyed your experience in the crossover. What was it like to take on such an iconic role?
BITSIE TULLOCH: It was mostly just really exciting. I also felt very honored to be among the group of actresses who have portrayed Lois Lane over time. It’s hard to think of many fictional characters who are as iconic as she is. I obviously knew a little bit ahead of time that I had gotten the role, but I had written something on my Instagram, and I just wanted to communicate to the fans that I took it seriously and that I was aware of not only how iconic is but why, and why she has sustained such an enthusiastic fanbase for 80 years.
It really has to do with the fact, in my point of view, she’s been a very sort of modern woman since the beginning. When she was introduced 80 years ago, she was different from a lot of the portrayals of women that we would see kind of being Susie Homemaker, or maybe demure and deferential to the men, and Lois wasn’t like that. She very much was an independent woman who was career-driven and ambitious, and she adored Clark, but she also ignored him. If he was saying something she didn’t want to do, she’d say, “Okay, but I’m going to do what I want to do.”
One thing I just love about her is that you see Superman is always saving Lois Lane and everything, but that’s because she’s always been so committed to truth and to justice that she was constantly putting herself in danger to get the story out there, to get the truth out there. Especially in 2018, with what’s going with news and journalists getting attacked and everything, to me it’s more important than ever to have a character like that.
It’s cool that the crossover also introduces her as a reporter. When we see her for the first time in The Flash, she’s talking to Clark about a story she wants to write.
Yeah, it’s because it’s always in the back of her mind. It’s true. That’s like a family hangout on the Kent farm, and she’s there and she’s happy to be there, but she’s also thinking about the story.
As you mentioned, this character has been played by several actresses before. Did you look at any of those past portrayals to inspire your take on Lois Lane?
The truth is that the Lois that I’m most familiar with — there’s quite a few I’m aware of, but I’ve only maybe seen a snippet here and there — is Margot Kidder’s. Interestingly enough, when I started acting in my mid-20s, I had a teacher tell me to go home and watch the screen tests for Lois Lane for the original Superman with Christopher Reeve, and I did. Everyone was amazing, and tons of accomplished, really well-known actresses were screen-testing, but it was very obvious to me — this was like 10 years ago, if not longer, by the way — why Margot got the role. She had an enthusiasm and a sense of fun that I wasn’t seeing across the board with the other actresses. There was a lot of gravity to their scenes. She had that too, but she was also having fun, and that to me says a lot about Lois.
I don’t think it’s really effective to be watching other actors before you’re doing something. I had to audition for this — it wasn’t an offer — and I had to trust that whatever I was bringing to the role is what the producers were looking for. So, I kind of just went with it. One thing I will say, when I did audition, I had fun with it. On paper, it was a sort of serious scene, but I was also having fun with it. So, I decided that was the same kind of energy I would bring when I was on set filming.
Did you and Tyler Hoechlin have time to work on your chemistry together as this iconic couple?
Literally, no. That’s the other thing that was so crazy: The thing that probably worried me the most going into this was my chemistry with Tyler, because not only are the two characters iconic in and of themselves, but the relationship is so iconic. I was thinking, “Dear God, I hope I have great chemistry with this guy,” because I had never worked with him before. We really had great chemistry from the beginning. We loved working together, both kind of as friends and as romantic characters. I think we both were really, really vibing the relationship. The scene you saw was the very first scene I filmed, but also that Lois and Clark had together, and it was there. We didn’t have to push, and we didn’t have to fake it.
Beyond the Smallville scenes, how does Lois fit into the crossover?
I’m not in Arrow, so I can’t speak to that, but she’s there a lot of the time with Clark or with Superman, but she is involved, especially in Supergirl. There’s a huge fight sequence, by the way, that’s awesome to the point where, you know, a lot of the time if you’re not in a scene or they’re not using you, you go sit down or go back to your trailer, and I stayed on set [to watch] them film it. It looks so cool! She’s an important part, actually, of that fight. In any episode of TV, there’s a problem, what’s the solution, and typically your main characters are trying to solve it, and she’s adding that to that, “All right, let’s figure this out.”
Is there anything else you want to add?
I just want to emphasize how lovely the actors were to work with. Having done a TV show as long as I did, and that also shot really extreme long hours and often through the night, I really respect how burned-out actors can get, especially halfway through a season when Christmas hasn’t happened yet so nobody’s really had a long break since they started filming in July or whatever. I was really impressed with Melissa, Stephen, and Grant — their energy, their kindness, and the enthusiasm that they had about the crossover.
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