Supergirl recap: You win some, you lose some

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After a slight stumble last week, Supergirl returns to its previous flight pattern: deftly and effectively telling a scary (and scarily recognizable) story about xenophobia and the debate over how to confront it.

Nia wakes up to turn off North by Northwest (heresy!) but is actually in the grip of an upsetting nightmare about Agent Liberty and a terrified woman. Truly awake now, she yells at her roommate for letting her sleep, and her roommate, in turn, sasses Nia for not getting enough sleep.

The next morning, Nia juggles three big coffees on the elevator with Kara and James, and when it slides open, her dream vision of Agent Liberty’s standing in front of her with a gun. She freaks and drops her coffee, which Kara saves with her super-reflexes. Nia says she was startled by Agent Liberty on TV, but Kara gets up in her business about her shifting narcolepsy story.

She also lets Alex know about Nia’s nightmare, which greatly interests Brainy, who recognized Nia at Thanksgiving but couldn’t say anything to the sisters Danvers without endangering that pesky space-time continuum. Also, the DEO’s got a Children of Liberty member in lockup who’s all “I am Spartacus” about Agent Liberty’s identity — but hey, Brainy’s working his way through the classics and gets the reference!

Alex and Haley teleconference with President Baker, who’s worried about his slipping polls and orders them to find Agent Liberty.

The man himself’s lounging in a convertible in front of one of his billboards, telling one of his minions that he’s ready to put Agent Liberty to bed and let Ben take the wheel for a while. Sidenote: His show airs at 5 p.m. on Tuesdays. Only once a week???

When he heads inside, he finds his wife Lydia with an old friend from the University: Manchester Black.

Well, that explains why J’onn and Kara only found a pair of bloody brass knuckles at Manchester’s apartment, but not the man himself. Still, J’onn’s not ready to give up on Manchester and dons his sacred robes to track him down.

Manchester shakes off J’onn’s psychic invasions and drops the hint to Ben that Fiona was his fiancée, quietly brandishing a gun. The conversation turns to the Lockwoods’ history as blacksmiths during the American Revolution. In fact, they’ve got a bayonet from the Battle of Bunker Hill on display in their living room.

And then we see on Ben’s face and hear in Ben’s voice the moment he realizes he can gain the upper hand, telling Manchester that Bunker Hill’s the bloody battle that the Brits thought they’d won, when in fact it cost them the war. Sam Witwer, still killing it as this frighteningly eloquent villain.

Manchester brandishes the bayonet and tells Lydia that her husband’s Agent Liberty. Then J’onn crashes into his brain again, causing Manchester to bash his head and yell, which is not what you want the man holding you hostage with an edged weapon from 1773 to do, BTW.

Eventually, Manchester forces Ben to reveal his terrorism uniform to Lydia, who’s both mad and disappointed. Ben insists he was going to stop, but Manchester tells him to suit up. “I want you to die doing what you love.” That man is a threat-quip machine.

Okay, let’s check in on Kara and Brainy, who arrive at Nia’s place to offer help. (Brainy tries for a “Hey, girl” and a cool lean but literally falls on his face.) Nia fesses up that her family’s from the planet Naltor, and she’s the once-in-a-generation woman who inherited a genetic oneiromancy, which allows her to dream the future.

Brainy calls her Nura, then denies calling her Nura and deactivates his image inducer to help her control and understand the dreams. Again, we see an industrial hook, Agent Liberty with a gun, and a woman who’s vibrating like Reverse Flash. But this time, Nia’s able to slow her movements down, and Brainy’s amazed that she’s already modulating her dreaming.

The woman, who we can immediately tell is Lydia Lockwood, was wearing a Collinwood 5K sweatshirt, so the trio head to Collinwood, where they discover that many, many women participated in that particular 5K. Also, the town’s a hotbed of anti-alien sentiment. Kara describes it as “Purge-y,” which Brainy also understands, leading to this exchange:

“I thought you were just watching the classics.”


Just so, Brainy. Just so.

Anyway, Kara suggests they let the three Children of Liberty covertly tailing them with an alien-sniffing dog take them to Agent Liberty. Brainy distracts Nia with a craft store while Kara catfishes the trio of xenophobes, saying she just did a 23 and Me test and learned that her real name is Kara Liberty and she’s there searching for her birth dad … Agent. Bless your heart, Kara Danvers.

The group shoves Kara into a van, and when Nia rushes to help, she and Brainy get nabbed too. But Kara’s sanguine about it when they end up in cuffs in an abandoned factory: “Reporting 101. When you get kidnapped, you’re on the right track.”

That is so not true, and Nia tells her that, but Kara just responds, “Tell that to Lois Lane.” Coming soon to a crossover near you! (Next page: Supergirl gets sacked)

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