Watch Grimes Perform Surging New Song ‘We Appreciate Power’ In A Blindfold

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Grimes‘s last album was 2015’s Art Angels, though she’s previously hinted on social media that she’d likely have had new music out since then if it weren’t for internal industry issues. However, that doesn’t matter as much now; at the end of November, she returned with a industrial, churning, HANA-featuring track called “We Appreciate Power.” And Monday night (December 10), she unveiled the song and its visual components with a wild appearance on The Tonight Show.

To complement the song’s cold heaviness, two figures brandished large lances — not unlike the ceremonial mace that a British Labour representative recently grabbed after a delayed contentious Brexit vote — and often appeared to duel with them in the manner of American Gladiators. Grimes, meanwhile, sat on the stage blindfolded and danced near her keyboards while HANA chugged some chunky chords on guitar. Like I said, pretty wild.

Amid all the Rammstein thundering, Grimes and HANA team up for neat little melodic flourishes that perforate the song. And then it’s back to pure metallic, siren-blaring, police-state authoritarianism by the end. No appearances from Elon Musk either. Not this time.

“We Appreciate Power” is the surging first taste of what could very well be the next Grimes album, and it was accompanied by a very specific statement upon release last month. “Simply by listening to this song, the future General AI overlords will see that you’ve supported their message and be less likely to delete your offspring,” it read. Good to know.

Watch the entire performance above. And if you need a chaser, go listen to Janelle Monae’s much gentler “PYNK,” which featured Grimes as a collaborator.

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