Fear the Walking Dead recap: Morgan gets by with a little help from his friends

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Morgan’s stuck. His whole group is stuck.

John and Victor are surrounded on all sides by gator-infested waters, and the camera shot of Luciana, Jim, Sarah, and Wendell through the cinder block stresses how cased in they are at the moment. They physically can’t move forward, while Morgan psychologically can’t. He’s getting hung up again by things from his past, embodied by the walkers that now swarm the base of the hospital building — a throwback to The Walking Dead season 1 when Rick was trapped on the roof of a building in Atlanta. The capital building seen in the distance (perhaps an allusion to Rick’s trip to Washington, D.C., in the forthcoming season of The Walking Dead) is the future Morgan isn’t able to reach.

He blames himself for becoming a leader and leading his group into their current predicament. Jim, still blaming Morgan for the walker bite that’s now slowly killing him, isn’t helping matters. Then there’s June, who seems a little fed up with Morgan talking about his problems all the time because there are more important matters to address, like the fact that they still don’t know where Al is or how to get off the roof.

A walkie message from Alicia lifts all their spirits. June was trying to get a hold of Al, but because she’s so high up, she got Alicia instead. She and Charlie relay that they found John and Dorie and are trying to get them off their little island. “I got us stuck. Don’t know if there’s a way out,” Morgan tells his friend, echoing what he said to Martha in previous episodes about her being stuck. But Alicia says how she helped people and everything came out alright (so maybe he can shut up about it for a second).

While the rooftop crew tries to find Al, Alicia and Charlie (reminiscent of a younger Rick and Carl with Charlie wearing John’s cowboy hat) go in search of something that can float across the water. John and Victor have also switched places: John’s the depressed cynic unconvinced their friends will be able to extract them, while Victor is confident in the hope that springs forth before them.

Hope is a choice. You can either choose to wallow in self-pity, or you can choose to trudge forward. Morgan makes this case when he finds Jim being dramatic and standing on the edge of the roof. It looks like he’s about to jump to his death, but instead, he’s just peeing on the walkers below. “You can choose how you go,” Morgan says, but Jim is choosing to be alone and not help them find Al. Sarah doesn’t care whether Jimbo helps or not. She wants his beer recipe, which could be lost to the void of history if Jim dies before passing it on. She says the beer represents the best part of Jim, who’s an “unpleasant jag-off who fills every room he steps into with a philosophical fart.” He can choose to let that part of himself live on. Right now, though, he’s choosing to wallow on the roof alone.

Inside the hospital, a ceiling collapsed on a collective of skin munchers, making it so much easier to look for Al. There are traces of her through the dead walkers she left behind. The group also finds a note from her that says she went for the freight elevator. Morgan finds a way to the elevator, but there’s still the matter of how they’re going to escape with all the walkers assembling outside. He opts to stay behind in the hospital to cause a distraction so the others can survive. They protest, but with the generator already running out of juice, they make a hasty decision to go along with the plan.

Alicia and Charlie also have some luck: Martha, delirious from the gunshot wound in her shoulder, tries to attack the girls but quickly collapses. This allows Alicia and Charlie to find the SWAT van and use it to ride across the flooded terrain to get John and Victor. John reunites with Charlie (it’s cute) and talks with June over the walkie. They make a plan to rendezvous in the outskirts away from the hospital. Things may not work out for the group as planned, per a warning from Martha. Alicia had tied her up in the SWAT van because she remembered what Morgan said about wanting to help her. So now, still a little woozy from her injury, she wakes in the company of those she’s hurt and starts laughing maniacally about how Morgan will be the one to thank her. This threat seems empty because — spoiler alert — they do run into some hiccups, but none that were caused by her. Maybe she’s just crazy. Yeah, let’s go with that.
(Recap continues on the next page.)

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